Hi all- today is actually the first day that I can apply to extend my leave to remain. I've gone the past 2.5 years always intending to use the premium service to extend my visa. However, a couple of weeks when I tried to book an appointment everything was taken until well after my expiration date (booking service is a complete mess but that's another topic for another thread). So, I prepared my application online (never fully completed as I couldn't apply until today) and have gathered all necessary documents. So my husband randomly tried to book an appointment yesterday and saw available appointments in Croydon and picked the first available one, on the 20th (exp date is Aug 28). He grabbed it obviously, as i have a job offer dependent on my visa being sorted. So, like i said, i have all the necessary documents prepared and copied and ready to express overnight, with bank statements showing latest pay check being deposited on the 27th of July , employer letter dated on the 19th when my payslip came in the post, etc. Pay always drops on the 27th.
Long story short- should I ask for updated statements and a confirmation letter for my premium appointment, as everything will be nearly or just over a month out of date?
EDIT: new Council tax debited out of my account today
EDIT EDIT: To be clear, we are using both mine and his incomes to meet the financial requirement. Either of us alone could meet it, we are just using both to be extra precautious. He makes a lot more than I do, so leaving mine out is an option, and his letter and statements are dated 30 July