Don't say that! I bet you are the mysterious HeyJay al fresco pooper
Okay, so I haven't responded to this story because the very first time I read it, my eyes glossed over a word ("park"), and I thought the incident was decidedly more shocking and disgusting than it already is, and I had no words. Then I felt foolish when I figured out what really happened. I was thinking, "They can't use their car 'til that is cleaned! That's a serious violation of one's space! What?! How?
Why?!" as I pictured a poo in the middle of the driver's seat. Then I realized my mistake, and with the relief I felt that the poo wasn't IN their car, I just couldn't find the right words that were sufficiently disgusted for the real human poop in the car park. Dave, HeyJay, my relief for you guys is deep.
And, no... I am not the secret pooper.