Hey guys,
Everything has been sent off (thank GOD) but I’ve just realised something: for one of the months that I was paid, the pay date fell on a Saturday, so was paid in my into my account on the Friday, the day before. I realised but amidst everything, forgot to mention it in my letter like I wanted to. Do you think this will be a problem? Every other month is fine, it’s just that payslip that has the discrepancy of something that my bank decides to do.
Also, we sent our application online on the 28th of Nov but I was only able to print off my statements on the 30th - this was due to an error on their end regarding my name on my statements. I literally realised this date over the weekend and stressing out about the fact that the date is after we submitted the application.
Does anybody know if any of the above will be an issue? My hope is that the ECO will realise the pay discrepancy but the difference of one day and I hopefully will not be penalised regarding the date on my statement. I'm not sure if the latter would be a problem.
Grateful for any advice regarding both