Really? That is so strange. I mean, none of the people I know who worked remotely while traveling ever applied for a visa here so I suppose it never became an issue because they never had to disclose it. How would that get flagged up? (I am no where near applying for citizenship so I know nothing about it.) And does it include all income? What about those silly websites that let you take surveys and things like that for crumbs? How come there are so many articles about people traveling the world while working from their laptops? I know an American couple who did this as a year-long honeymoon and went all over, including here for 3 months. Hearing this makes me relieved I waited till I was back in the States to teach English online....was considering it while I was on a tourist visa here but we were living with my husband's family and there just wasn't any quiet space lol.
It may not get flagged up. A lot of people who do work remotely are not going for citizenship so it doesn’t matter. My issue is that I keep British based accounts, so if I were to work when not allowed, it could get flagged up by doing my taxes. They usually don’t investigate because it’s not worth their time, but it’s also not worth the risk.
Just emailed the MP again who basically told me to be patient. Easy for everyone else to say!