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Topic: Bank Statements grave error AFTER documents sent - plea for guidance  (Read 1150 times)

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Hello there!

Thank you in advance for taking the time to read this post…

I am having somewhat of a panic moment regarding my UK spouse settlement visa. Looking for possible guidance, advise or reassurance… though I am terrified it might be doom.

My husband and I were married on November 21st and applied for my spouse settlement visa on November 23rd. Having to wait for our marriage certificate from our civil ceremony to process through vital records, I scheduled out my biometrics for December 4th.

Long story short… I think we may have made a grave error with our bank statements. I thought I was meticulous about our supporting documentation, having my husband gather all original financial and accommodation documents for his arrival to the US in November. Bless him and his preparation and organization with this… it was not until we were gather all the docs did I realize he had his bank statements printed/stamped a few days before his November 9th payslip  was deposited, so we did not have his November deposit reflected - so in violation of the 28 day rule. In a panic he would have to have new statements printed when he returned to the UK… and because I was certain that everything HAD to be originals (wish I knew then, what I know now…), we had them expressed mailed to me in the US, arriving on December 7th. Finally our documents - one bundle of originals, one bundle of photocopies - were mailed off to NYC scanning hub on December 7th, arriving December 10th.

We felt good about everything, especially after receiving the "application received" email on the 11th! I started proactively scanning my 3rd photocopy bundle I have made onto my laptop, in case I received the dreaded “scanning error, send more docs” email. Then I panicked. The banks statements my husband provided were from June 1st, 2018-December 1st 2018, covering 7 days less than 6 months from the date of our application. We provided 6 months of bank slips - 7 in total with how his paydays are calculated:
November 9th
October 12th
September 14th
August 17th
July 20th
June 22nd
May 25th

I have been pulling my hair out! The bank statements we provided do not show the May 25th deposit… and since our online application was submitted on November 23rd, I believe this to fall in the previous six month window… unless they calculate six months as 180 days, then that payslip would be irrelevant as 180 days prior to November 23rd would be May 27th… technically. Regardless of all this, technically our bank statements also no not cover a full 6 months (from the date of the application). Freaking out! The worst part… the first set of bank statements my husband brought DID include the May deposit so I do have them on hand…

This is all my fault, and I am completely destroyed over it. I was just so preoccupied with the “original documents” piece and the 28 day rule…  Given these details, are we doomed? Or is there the slightest chance of hope? Everything else we have provided is to the letter… all other aspects of the application should be met. My husband more than meets the financial requirements. We also provided an employment letter and original contract.

Questions for this forum:
A. Is its recommended or has anyone had any luck contacting UKVI with a plea to provide an additional document?
B. Is these any chance an ECO will contact me directly, asking for the missing 7 days of bank statements, showing the May 23rd deposit? Or overlook it completely if all other aspects of the application is met?
C. Are we in fact doomed, and should expect a refusal for not providing enough evidence? This is what I have prepared myself for…

I appreciate anyones insights, advise, guidance or possible reassurance… we are fully prepared to reapply immediately, should a refusal result in this error. I wanted first to send out plea for guidance in the small chance that there is hope.

Thank you in advance!

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Re: Bank Statements grave error AFTER documents sent - plea for guidance
« Reply #1 on: December 26, 2018, 03:58:36 PM »
With all the issues they are having with the scanning right now, they are doing a GREAT job of requesting missing items.  They will contact you for the missing dates (if they are bothered) because they will think they weren’t scanned.

Do not lose sleep.  This will be fine.

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Re: Bank Statements grave error AFTER documents sent - plea for guidance
« Reply #2 on: December 27, 2018, 02:32:36 PM »
Thank you for your response and reassurance! I'll just keep those finger's crossed... : )

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