Hi everyone, its been a while since I posted here since I've completely settled in to the UK and no longer have a million questions! I have my UK license, have a new flat with my husband(and not with the inlaws!) and have been working at my dream job in the UK for the last 4 months. Oh! and my perfect american cat has moved over here as well.
All is good, but I am a bit worried about some travel I have coming up with my company. We have an office in Poland that I visit for a few days every 3 months. I am keeping track of the days I am out of the UK and tax and paycheck wise I am 100% UK based. Before I head off to our other office for a few days though, I want to make sure working in another country won't affect my next FLR(M) application or cause me to break any rules for my current FLR?