In the past, all you've had to say is something like:
'Parents and siblings in X state'
'Cousins in Y state'
It's asking now for specific names as well as how you're related and info for each so I've just put it like this:
1. name - USA - mother - weekly calls, social media, yearly visits, etc.
2. name - USA - father - weekly calls, yearly visits, etc.
3. name - USA - sister - etc. etc. etc.
4. name - USA - sister - etc. etc. etc.
and then I stopped there. I didn't include my BILs or my neices/nephews and I definitely didn't include extended family like aunts/uncles/nieces because I have so much family that I stay in contact with or visit when I make my yearly visit home that it would NEVER fit but they are asking for specific names so I'm not sure I'll be in trouble if I just put "parents/siblings all living in MA " with how we stay in contact.
It's asking me for all my friends as well (but that would also include UK friends as I've now lived here more than 5 years). I honestly just getting overly stressed because it seems pretty stupid to ask what they are asking with a limit of 500 characters... They even want you to include how you're related (which I'm clearly not, it's obvious they are a friend as they are asking about friend).
I've just started listing out everybody I'm friends with that I speak to in the same format as my family and will just go until I'm out of characters I guess....just seems like a waste of time as they could be asking for this on a separate page or in a more vague context where it'll actually fit...