Some people earlier were asking how to use the French press to get consistent results. This is what I do.
First, use fresh coffee that you have just ground yourself. It really is superior in every way.
Second, I have a little scoop I got from Whittard of Chelsea that is labelled 'One Perfect Cup of Coffee'. I recommend you invest in one. (It's only like £3.00).
When you boil the kettle, take note of the number of cups of water you are boiling. Most medium size french presses will do 5 cups of water.
Place one firmly packed, level scoop of coffee per cup of water in the bottom of the cafetiere.
Pour the boiling water onto the coffee. Stir the coffee. Put the lid on the cafetiere and gently put the plunger down to the surface of the liquid. (Don't put it all the way down, you're just sort of sealing it off from the air at this point).
Wrap the cafetiere in a towel or cozy if you want. Wait three minutes (you can use a timer if you like). Remove the lid and stir the coffee again. Let it settle a bit, then put the lid back on and slowly press the plunger down all the way to the bottom.
Serve the coffee at once. Coffee begins to lose its lovely flavours after 15 minutes! Only make as much as you will drink at the time.
If this technique makes coffee that is too strong for you, do not lessen the amount of coffee you use, but instead add hot water to your coffee cup when you are putting in the milk, sugar, or whatever else you might add to your brew.
It's very easy once you've done it a couple of times.