Ah I'm sorry. I did forget to put the tenancy agreement on there, which is in both of our names. It's valid for two years (Sept 2017 - Sept 2019)
Council tax – Joint - 2017-2018, 2018-2019, 2019-2020
- EDF Bills – Joint March 2016 - June 2017, June 2017 - Dec 2017, Dec 2017 - June 2018, June 2018 - Dec 2018, and we will have Dec 2018-June 2019 when we submit the application
- Letter from landlord – Joint 30/04/2018
- Drs registration letter – Amy 03/04/2017
- National insurance letter – Amy 03/05/2017
- P45 – Amy 11/04/2018
- Hospital letter – Amy 20/11/2018
- Sky bills – Jon every month since January 2017
- Tv license – Jon valid until 30/09/2019
- Water bill – Jon April 2018 - November 2018
- Car insurance – Jon 18/02/2018-18/02/2019, 18/02/2019 - 18/02/2020
If I need other dates/more dates, that's fairly easy as I get quite a bit of post. Jon, not so much. Most of his stuff is paperless.
I also forgot to add that we have the documentation of our holiday to the United States in September 2018 (two weeks) and I have or
will have documentation of the 5 day business trip to Mexico I'm going on in a week's time. 7 months of payslips
and bank statements is easy enough to do. I was planning to apply in June and I've started collecting from December
Just to be on the safe side.
Thank you for your reply!!
No prior marriages and I have two adult children from a previous relationship who live in the US.
Also, I just read something that now has me wondering. I have been here since February 16, 2017. My current visa expires in October 2019. What's the earliest I can apply for the extension? If what I read was correct, I can't send it off until August 2019.