I'm in a super silly mood probably because it's Friday or something so please forgive my daftness.
Well, I recently realized that the Brits tend to say "ehhhmmm" and Americans are more like "uhhhmmm". And I really now think we sound kinda dopey saying "uhhhmmm". Like I'm saying aloud with the stupidest sound in my voice and it's cracking me up. Try it. Say "ehhhmmm" and then say "uhhhmmm" and see what sounds better. LOLOL!!!!
Haha. You just made me say it and who knew that a sound can be so unappealing now lol
. I guess now when someone asks if I can speak with an accent I have a word to toss out. A guy asked me one day in the grocery store if I could speak with an accent, he spent five minutes telling me how to pronounce “boat” till I got it haha
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