Make sure you have six FULL months of bank statements that covers the same span as six FULL months of payslips and shows all of your wages being deposited in as shown on the payslips.
Do your payslips explicitly state on them the date range they cover for each pay period ("1/12/18 - 31/12/18", etc.)? If so, you can leave the December one off and just do January 1 to June 30th for six full months. If the full date range isn't printed on the payslip, keep the December one, and make sure you have the corresponding December bank statement to show it paying in.
The Payslips do state 1-12/18-31/12/18 for each, and my statements cover from 3rd Dec all the way to 1st July (although diff format for the last 7 days as my statement hasn't arrived yet- but I have branch stamped for that part.
I have two other questions:
1) for evidence of the relationship - is this ok?
Whatsapp screenshots showing constant contact from meeting day.
Frequent emails from meeting day
2 photos together
Wedding certificate
Boarding passes/itinaries showing some of the trips to and from each other.
Dated postcard/letter sent
We have stated we talk via whatsapp call but that log does not stay for more than 1-2 months. Does it matter we aren't including record of that?
2) Should we state what we are including in our application anywhere - i.e. a contents letter or is that optional?