Hi Everyone,
My wife has asked me to do a new post with all of the dates and docs. We are still hopeful.
I'm going to include all of the letters received with this one. All redacted and hopefully linked as pdf documents, please let me know if there are any issues.
Also my wife is wanting to know why they would send out the refusal when another application was already in.
So from different sources that also have a fair bit of knowledge on the UK Visa intricacies, we have had different readings, interpretations and possible outcomes with the visa applied for and the visa received. Also highlighted in the 26 January letter, after the fee and application were back in is a section stating if this s not done it will be invalid. After it was done.
Various people have suggested that the leeway on dates varying from 28 to 14 to zero and in some cases stated as 28 days again has a bearing on this one. Even to the point of suggesting an advisor written cover letter may be adequate to move it in the direction we need.
So what I am looking for is a clear forward route.
Also any suggestions for a good low cost immigration case advisors south coast or London?
Rejected as invalid - 8/1/18 -
https://1drv.ms/b/s!AptJhvygVmakg4oTHOw-Q42U0vY3og?e=ASb5es [nofollow] Application rejected 26/1/18 -
https://1drv.ms/b/s!AptJhvygVmakg4oXZVmo-YMZYiq-zw [nofollow] - updated with highlighted sections.
Acceptance letter - 23/2/18 -
https://1drv.ms/b/s!AptJhvygVmakg4lxdUNHmh4u-u6zqg?e=CYPaup [nofollow] Dates -
Initial Visa - 26/3/15 to 26/12/17
Sent application - 2/12/17 Receipt acknowledged
Notice of unpaid IHS? - 14/12/17 (letter not received)
Rejected as invalid - 8/1/18 letter sent. received
IHS paid - 14/1/18
Re applied - 15/1/18. Receipt acknowledged in 23/2 letter
Application rejected 26/1/18
Bail letter - 5/2/18
Acceptance letter - 23/2/18
BRP - 23/2/18 to 23/8/18