Do you have any family and friends in country of birth?
The only immediate family member I have is my sister. I have aunts/uncles and cousins but I’m not really in contact with them except on Facebook. Should they be included, and if so how many of them?
As far as friends I have one friend that I am actually in contact with, others would be friends I’ve had in the past but don’t have much contact with any more except a liked post on Facebook. Who should I include?
You should list every single family member and friend you can think of. Start with the closest family members and friends, and work your way through them.
Are you part of any social group or do you have any other cultural ties to country of birth?
My instinct is to answer no to this question, since my social groups have been here for the last 5 years and I didn’t have any real group like church or anything that I belonged to before I moved here.
If you don't have any, that's fine. Just answer No.
Basically, the above questions will only be considered if your visa falls for refusal and they have to decide whether you qualify to stay in the UK under Article 8: Right to Family Life... so they will look at all the family members, friends and social ties you have to your home country to see if you could feasibly return to live there or not.
Have you ever had any of the following?
If I select – A penalty for driving offence, example disqualification for speeding. It says tell us about fixed penalty notices (example: a speeding or parking ticket) if you’ve received three or more.
I’ve only had one speeding ticket and that was 31 years ago. So should I answer none to the original question?
We have always said that you should disclose everything, but if it's only asking for fixed penalty if you've had 3 or more, then I guess you say No?
You can always explain it in a cover letter.
Do you have any Home Office reference numbers?
I am not sure what to do about this one. The only time I have contacted the home office, except for visa applications, was to notify them of change of address. I will have to search to find the letter confirming that or it might have just been an email.
You will not have any Home Office Reference Numbers, so you tick No.
What do they earn?
As stated before I am currently on furlough ( hopefully find out Friday how long that will be the case) should I still answer – the same amount continuously, above financial requirement. As even on 80% of my salary I’m above the £18,600 minimum.
Yes, answer 'same amount continuously, above the financial requirement'. If you don't answer with that, it seems the application form takes that to mean you are applying under Category B, which is not the case.
Annual income before tax?
Do I put my contract salary or multiply my lowest pay since furlough and multiply that by 12?
You put your contract base salary, as listed on your employer letter. They will check this number with your employer letter, the base salary on your payslips, and your job contract.
I have worked for the same employer since 2016 however they changed their name in summer 2019. Can I still say yes that I have worked for the same employer, and include the letter with the name change in the documents?
Yes. You just said it yourself: you have worked for the same employer since 2016.
Your employer letter should confirm that you have worked for them since 2016 and should also explain their name change.
Do you own or rent?
Not sure how to answer – I own – I rent – Neither own or rent. My husband has shared ownership with the local authority, so it is both own and rent but I can only select one of them. This is where a paper version would be easy because I could write both with an explanation. How would you answer?
You own.
Do you have any other reason for wanting to stay in the UK?
Other than life now in UK there is no other reason. So I have put that I do not have any other reason. Is this correct?
You should think of any and all reasons that you wish to remain living in the UK.
For example:
- family members
- any children you have
- any children your sponsor has from a previous relationship
- your and/or your spouse's career
- healthcare access
- property ownership
- your social ties in the UK
Your answer to this question will be considered in the case that your visa falls for refusal and UKVI have to decide whether or not you should be allowed to stay in the UK... this will be looked at along with your answers regarding your family/friends/social ties in the US.