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Topic: Checklist for Spouse Visa and some questions!  (Read 1200 times)

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Checklist for Spouse Visa and some questions!
« on: August 04, 2020, 06:34:33 PM »

First, I would really like to thank this forum-  I've been reading through the guidance and going through the posts and it has helped me immensely so far!

My husband and I are working through the UK family spouse visa. He is a UK citizen, born in Belfast, Northern Ireland but has an Irish passport. This is where our first question comes in, are we eligible to apply for a UK spouse visa with his Irish passport details? Would we need to apply for an EU family permit instead? I sent an inquiry to the UKVI through the contact email but received a boiler pate reply that didn't answer the question.

If we are eligible to apply for the UK Spouse visa from the US here's the list of documents that I've complied, would I need anything else?

Sponsor and Applicant documents
- His Passport
- A letter from him stating how he meets all the requirements
- My passport (Do I mail this? Hand it over during the biometrics appointment?)

Financial Documents
- 6 months of his pay-stubs
- letter of verification from HR for his pay-stubs
- letter of job verification from his company that details 1)Current employment and salary 2) length of employment 3) Type of employment (He works for a company based in the UK but is on a project with them in the US. His employment will continue with the same employer once we move back to the UK, this is detailed in the letter)
- 6 months of his bank statements
- letter from the bank verifying all the statements are authentic
(Note: All the financial documentation was compiled in the last week so it's dated between July 28th and Aug 1st)

Accommodation requirement (once we get to the UK)
(Note: We're going to be staying with his parents till we are able to rent)
- Council Tax bill for his parents home
- Mortgage bill from his parents
- Letter from his parents saying that we will have a place to stay with them while we live there.

Relationship Evidence
- Marriage Certificate (issued in the New Jersey, is this recognized in the UK?)
- 4-5 photos of us during our 3.5 years since we met
- Letter explaining the pictures and when they happened
- E-tickets/Airbnb reservations of our trips together
- Screenshots of call-logs and texts sent to each other
- Lease agreement in the US (we've lived together for about a year and a half)
- US bank statements from him and I to show that we've lived in the same address (15 months)

Thank you for all your help and advise in advance! I really appreciate it and apologize for the huge amount of information in this one post!

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