Hello! Since everything is electronic now do I make my biometrics appointment when I am filling out my application on the government webside ( this will be marriage visa three of four. When I go to the biometrics is this when they can photo copy and link all my paperwork to my applicaton?
Biometrics appointments are made through the UKVCAS website after you apply online. You will get an email with a code to register an account with UKVCAS.
HOWEVER, because of Covid, all the biometrics centres were closed from March until June/July (some are still closed), which means no one was able to book or attend biometrics in those months.
Therefore, you can't just 'book an appointment' at the moment, instead, after you have applied online, you have to wait to be contacted by UKVI by email... where they will tell you whether or not you still have to attend biometrics, or if your biometrics appointment can be waived (they will use your previous biometrics) and instead you just upload a new photo to an app that has yet to be released.
They are contacting people in order of the date they submitted their online application, starting with March applicants and working through to August applicants. I believe they are up to the June applicants now.
So, normally you have 2 options for uploading your documents:
- upload all your documents to the UKVCAS website before you attend your biometrics appointment
- pay extra for the scanning service when you book your biometrics appointment
However, it will depend on whether you actually attend an appointment or not as to how you upload the documents.
What is the website section for my exact visa this time ( it will be Marriage visa number three out of four) ( last one being when I have to take the living in the UK test) also I was going to wait until almost the exact date twenty five days out before my visa expires ( 25 Nov) do I make the appointment the day I fill it out then do I wait to send it as soon as the documents are attached or do I send it before then they attach the documents at my biometrics appointment?
You apply online here:
https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/apply-to-extend-stay-in-the-uk-as-a-partner-or-dependent-child-form-flrm/apply-online-form-flr-mYou simply have to submit the online form and pay for the visa before your current visa expires.
Then you book biometrics (if required) when UKVI tell you it's your turn.
How much does it cost for the appointment and the copying of documents ( not doing a rush on it or anything just normal). Sorry for all the questions. This will be my first time with it being electronic all the way and I just want to make sure I have everything correct! x
It's up to you what you pay, and it will depend on whether you are required to attend an appointment or not.
- free appointments... biometrics only
- free appointments with the document scanning service added (£50)
- free appointments with the document checking service added (£45)
- enhanced appointments with both document checking and scanning (£70)
- £110 same day/next day/out of hours appointments... biometrics only
- £110 appointments with the document checking and/or scanning services added (£45 and/or £50)
... and a few other different options
Only certain UKVCAS centres offer certain services, so you would need to check which centres are near you and what they offer.
Have a look here:
https://www.ukvcas.co.uk/home-internalAnd here are the Covid updates regarding who can book appointments and which centres are open: