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Topic: ILR final document checklist.  (Read 2619 times)

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ILR final document checklist.
« on: November 19, 2020, 08:20:31 PM »
I'd love some help with a quick final check of my upload documents to follow my ILR application submission. Anything I'm missing?

Mandatory (Proof of Application)
- Applicant’s full passport (every page, I scanned in color before I saw B&W was in the guidance, I don’t think this matters)
- Applicant’s previous passport (every page)
- Sponsor declaration
Just checking that there is no longer a separate form for "Consent to Verification Checks", at least not for ILR?

Proof of Identity
- Applicant’s BRP card
- Sponsor’s full passport (every page)

Residence in the UK
- Tenancy agreement
- Most recent council tax bill
Cohabitation documents:
- Mailed correspondence evenly spread over 2.5 years (5 joint + 2 separate in the same month)
If my utility bill is 6 pages long, are they wanting me to scan in all the pages or just the first one with our names on it?

Cash savings:
- Bank statements from last 6 months showing minimum balance over £34,600 throughout
- Letter from me declaring source of savings as employment (I included one payslip to show the name of employer with direct deposit)

Life Events
Marriage certificate

LITUK screenshot with URN/pass results (shouldn’t be required with URN in application, but might as well include)
Spouse visa granted with validity from 18 December 2015
First UK entry on visa - 19 December 2015
FLR(M) granted 2.5 years - 25 May 2018
Applied for ILR - 21 November 2020
ILR biometrics - 16 December 2020
ILR approved via email - 30 April 2021
BRP received - 19 May 2021 (courier attempted delivery without notice and didn't attempt again - had to track it down after 10 business days)
Applied for naturalisation - 19 May 2021
Naturalisation biometrics - 22 May 2021

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Re: ILR final document checklist.
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2020, 09:15:37 PM »
Just checking that there is no longer a separate form for "Consent to Verification Checks", at least not for ILR?

I thought there was, but you'll have to check when you apply online

Cohabitation documents:
- Mailed correspondence evenly spread over 2.5 years (5 joint + 2 separate in the same month)
If my utility bill is 6 pages long, are they wanting me to scan in all the pages or just the first one with our names on it?

Scan all the pages.

Also, can you list all the documents you are including, along with the dates? They are a significant part of the application, and if they aren't listed, I can't tell if they will meet the cohabitation requirement or not.

Life Events
Marriage certificate

The marriage certificate goes in the Other section. You leave the Life Events section blank.

LITUK screenshot with URN/pass results (shouldn’t be required with URN in application, but might as well include)

I wouldn't bother including it.

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Re: ILR final document checklist.
« Reply #2 on: November 19, 2020, 11:56:02 PM »
Thanks so much for the feedback.

Regarding the "consent to verification checks" form formerly used - I've completed the application online short of paying and submitting and the only required document listed for printing/signing is what they call the "relationship declaration" form for the sponsor to complete (https://visas-immigration.service.gov.uk/documents/family_declaration.pdf - the link takes you to the "family declaration" form used in other applications, e.g., naturalisation). I'm going to assume I don't need to pull the old form I used for FLR when there is no link for that. Someone mentioned recently on another forum they submitted both forms for ILR but that doesn't make sense to me if there is no mention of a second form in the application (to be signed by either the sponsor or applicant).

My correspondence is spaced exactly 5 months apart, starting 5 months after my FLR application (May 2018), coming from over 3 sources. I had initially planned to cover only 2 years as that was the guidance I had previously read, but in the summary of the application it specifically says it needs to cover 2.5 years, so that's what I've done:

Oct 2018 - joint utility bill
Mar 2019 - joint council tax bill
Aug 2019 - two NHS appointment letters, each separately addressed
Jan 2020 - one bank statement, one NHS letter, each separately addressed
June 2020 - joint utility bill
Nov 2020 - joint utility bill
« Last Edit: November 20, 2020, 12:04:00 AM by amymac »
Spouse visa granted with validity from 18 December 2015
First UK entry on visa - 19 December 2015
FLR(M) granted 2.5 years - 25 May 2018
Applied for ILR - 21 November 2020
ILR biometrics - 16 December 2020
ILR approved via email - 30 April 2021
BRP received - 19 May 2021 (courier attempted delivery without notice and didn't attempt again - had to track it down after 10 business days)
Applied for naturalisation - 19 May 2021
Naturalisation biometrics - 22 May 2021

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Re: ILR final document checklist.
« Reply #3 on: November 21, 2020, 07:23:08 PM »
yes there was a "Consent for the home office to request verification checks" in FLR(M) form signed by applicant and sponsor but in case of SET(M) i don't think there's any such "verification checks", i guess require only family declaration form signed by the applicant’s partner.

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