Hello helpful friends,
My partner and I found a flat we love and really need some
advice on jointly purchasing property and tax planning. The facts:
- I am a US citizen
- He is a British citizen
- We are not married (but our relationship is as such)
- The mortgage would be off my salary only (he's a student).
- I would also be contributing most of the deposit.
- I am a higher rate taxpayer in the UK; he is taxed at the lowest rate or not at all.
I would be so grateful for
advice on how to structure ownership please as well as
gift tax and other US/UK tax implications.
1)- If we are comfortable with any split, what is an
ideal ownership split to avoid tax complications?
2)- Given the mortgage would be off my salary only and I would be paying most of the cash deposit for the flat,
what are the gift tax implications? I understand that in our current unmarried state, I can only gift $15k to him without filing gift taxes. If we were to marry, that would increase to $159k. What counts as a gift here (e.g., contributions to the deposit in a different ratio to the ownership split? Is the mortgage amount included?)? And
when does that apply? - now, at the purchase of the property, or would that apply only at the eventual sale of the property? Should we get legally married asap?
3)- What
other tax implications do I need to think about as the US citizen here regarding property ownership? Also, would future capital gains upon selling the property be split in the same way as ownership (e.g., if I owned 10% would I have to pay CGT on 10% or 100% of the proceeds?)
4)- What are the pros/cons of being married with regards to US taxation? I think I would hit some of the income limits sooner if I move from single to married filing separately but don't know much else.
Many thanks for your help!!
Best wishes,
M and her broke but wonderful (and lucky?
) boyfriend