Last year I sold the rights to my debut novel, so I'm earning again after a few years off work/making no money.
I've always done my own taxes, and I don't remember getting tripped up by the difference between UK's April-April year and the US's calendar year, but this year it's pretzeling me.
So basically, for UK 2019/2020 Tax Year (April to April), I didn't earn any money.
But then in the back half of 2020, I received my advances.
On the FTC (Form 1116), when it asks for foreign taxes paid, do I put 0, which is what I owed to the HMRC for their 19/20 April-April tax year? (and is indeed what I physically paid to the HMRC in the 2020 calendar year)
Or do I do my 20/21 UK taxes ASAP, pay what I owe, and then put that amount into the 1116?
Thanks in advance for any help!