I was born, raised, and educated in Brooklyn. I ended up in the UK through marriage to my English wife who I met while in the USAF here. This was waaaay back in '69 so that makes me a dinosuaur. In those early days I really struggled to integrate into the UK community (hence my "Square Pin" handle.) I had received no mentoring. I was young, free, single, and insulated without a clue about UK realities while on base. My story here is a long one I won't burden anyone with. I've witnessed huge changes in the UK over many years. Man oh man, I sure could have used a forum like this in my early past!
My oldest son lives on the edge of Brighton and works from home as an employee of an American company in Seattle. He is their chief creative artistic designer. Unfortunately for him he has UK/US nationality---I'm guilty for that---and is stuck with US tax returns.