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Topic: How much is enough?  (Read 1080 times)

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How much is enough?
« on: February 08, 2005, 10:50:39 PM »
I tried to find a similar post because I'm sure this question has been asked and answered many times, but I couldn't. When applying for a spousal visa, how much money should one
a) have in savings
b) earn at US job
c) prove will be earned at UK job

I expect to have about $10,000 in savings, but as I'm a student I won't have any significant income. My husband's income won't be very impressive (he's a teacher, one of the underappreciated), but he'll most likely have job offers from his old bosses in the UK. Should we get a co-sponsor for safety or will this be enough?

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Re: How much is enough?
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2005, 04:02:12 PM »
You're moving to the UK on a spousal visa WITH your husband, right (like, he's not currently settled in the UK?)?

If so, the burden of financial proof isn't quite so heavy as with a fiancee' visa.  Since you'll be able to work immediately, they're really just looking to see that you can support yourselves for a while and get settled appropriately.  Your savings should be okay and a job offer letter for your husband would be even better!

As long as you have somewhere reasonable to live and can support yourselves while you look for work you'll be just fine.  There are plenty of people on here who've gotten their visas (spousal or fiancee'/fiance) with far less than $10K in the bank.

Re: How much is enough?
« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2005, 06:49:39 PM »
I agree with Lola.

I was working in the UK on a permit when we were married but my hubby was finishing his phd and had a job offer. We had some savings, I took a letter from my employer, the job proposal letter he received, and we also had a sponsor for good measure. We took a letter from his Mum (along with her salary details) saying how much money she could give us per month if we needed it.  I was, in the words of the clerk at the NYC Embassy " The most prepared person I've ever seen- I don't need to see your scrapbook, that's ok"  ;)

Never hurts to have more than less of anything, though- in my opinion that is!

Good luck!!

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