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Topic: Pack or Toss - 3 weeks to go! HELP!  (Read 9112 times)

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Pack or Toss - 3 weeks to go! HELP!
« on: February 21, 2005, 09:14:35 PM »

 :o 3 weeks and counting until the movers arrive!  I can't believe it.
(Raleigh, NC --> Birmingham)
I have read every post on this site regarding what to bring and what to toss - but I still have some lingering questions and want to get specific!  Please help! (also - I am an electronics moron, so please bear with) Right now these are my thoughts on what to bring and not bring - please let me know if I am way off track! (also - my husband's company is paying for the move - so if there is any doubt on whether to take something.. the shipping is free! :)

1. new desktop Dell?
The CPU switches to 220 - so I am bringing that,  the keyboard, the printer (I know I may have to get a new one).  The monitor is the only thing I must buy right away, correct?  Any suggestions on the best place to get one when I arrive? Prices? ALSO - I would love to go ahead and get the 'plug adapter' (?) for the computer now... that's what I need - not a voltage converter?? right?  Where should I get that?

2. DVD's, VHS's, CD's
I am hoping to buy a universal DVD player upon arrival - do they make universal VHS players?  Will my US CD's work in a universal DVD player?

3.  digital camera, Ipod - I guess I need a converter for the Ipod?  Anyone know how to charge it?  How about the battery charger for the digital camera?


1. TV's
2. DVD player
3. Surround sound system - actually, can i bring this??
4. VHS player
5. all kitchen appliances.
6. lamps
7. New digital universal remote?? guess that won't work with new tv's?

I think that's it for packing right now!
I am also getting so nervous about my first week there... I am not coming over until we have closed on the house - and I am worried about setting up power/water/television/phone/etc.!  Should I try to have someone go into the house and set it up before we arrive?

Thanks again guys - this website is invaluable!
  ;D Gretta

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Re: Pack or Toss - 3 weeks to go! HELP!
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2005, 04:09:26 AM »
The only answer to your questions i know is about the Ipod.

I've used my iPod Mini in the UK, France, Jordan, Iraq and Dubai and all I've ever needed to charge it is a regular plug adapater...no transformer needed.  You can get a nifty world adaptor kit for about $10 at most airports that allows you to plug items into about 90% of the world. I've actually purchased two aboard airplanes on the duty-free cart.

Good luck with your move!

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Re: Pack or Toss - 3 weeks to go! HELP!
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2005, 07:47:55 AM »


1. TV's
2. DVD player
3. Surround sound system - actually, can i bring this??
4. VHS player
5. all kitchen appliances.
6. lamps
7. New digital universal remote?? guess that won't work with new tv's?

I wouldn't toss them, I would store them in case you decide to move back to the states in the future. I tossed way too many things and we have decided to move back to the states this year.....so we will have to replace everything.

Best wishes on your move over!   ;)


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Re: Pack or Toss - 3 weeks to go! HELP!
« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2005, 09:24:40 AM »

 I think that's it for packing right now!
I am also getting so nervous about my first week there... I am not coming over until we have closed on the house - and I am worried about setting up power/water/television/phone/etc.!  Should I try to have someone go into the house and set it up before we arrive?

Thanks again guys - this website is invaluable!
  ;D Gretta

Is your husband coming over first? I'm a bit confused. But yes, you should make sure you'll at least have electricity and water. If you are renting, it's rare that it is ever completly shut off but if the house has been unoccupied for some time, you'd better check and see.

To make sure you have phone service when you arrive, contact BT. The number you need should be here: http://www.bt.com/index.jsp

However, I'd highly recommend that once you get here, you get OneTel and have all your international calls thru them. Much much cheaper.

You can't get broadband until you have an active phone line so you might as well wait until you are here. There are loads of companies that do it, including BT.

Your TV, once you buy one, will work immediately assuming the house has the proper cables (and I've yet to see one that doesn't but that doesn't mean they aren't out there!). You will need a TV license but that can be done as soon as you get settled. http://www.tvlicensing.co.uk/index.jsp

As for electicity/gas suppliers... check out www.uswitch.com. That's good for finding you area providers and also who is cheapest. I think, though, that since you won't have any data to enter for your previous use, you'll have to guesstimate some of that.

Hope some of this helps!
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Re: Pack or Toss - 3 weeks to go! HELP!
« Reply #4 on: February 22, 2005, 01:42:10 PM »
Just made the jump on a coporate reloc also.....

I wouldn't toss ---

3. Surround sound system - actually, can i bring this??

    You should be able to bring the speakers no problem; however the receiver and center channel would depend upon voltage.

5. all kitchen appliances

       Many kitchen appliances work fine off a good step down transformer.  Now, it may shorten their life; but it saved buying everything new day 1.  Besides who wants to get from storage 2-3 yo kitchen appliances.  We did buy a new coffee pot; but I have used my mixer, blender, crock pot and cuisinart with no problems.

6. lamps  (unless halogen) -- a new plug and bulb and they work in the UK

1. new desktop Dell?
  The monitor is the only thing I must buy right away, correct?   --- My dell monitor was 110/220 compatable normally --- it does not have a switch.  Comfirm on the back by the UL symbol.

Also, if company is paying for move .... buy household stuff in the US and ship them over -- towels, sheets, shower curtains (trip to local bed and bath shop).  Everything IS so much more expensive here.

Suggestion --- we bought a large plasma flatscreen -- rather than a television it is a monitor (doesn't have a receiver built into it).   We use the satellite box or the VCR to act as the tuner -- no problem.  It is dual voltage compatible and you don't have issue with the PAL/NTSC format.

Good luck with the move --- lots to think about!

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Re: Pack or Toss - 3 weeks to go! HELP!
« Reply #5 on: February 22, 2005, 01:53:35 PM »
Amazon uk is a cheap place to buy electronics, including multi-region DVD players, although we got ours at Dixon's .  Also check out Argos   if there's one in your town.


FYI, many DVD players can be made multiregion by putting in a code with your remote control.  The manufacturers do this so they don't have to make multiple machines for different markets, so they build the region encoding into the software. 

There's a website that has a list of codes for each machine.  I don't think it's fair that trans-Atlantic couples should have to buy duplicates of their entire DVD collection!  However, I also don't want to get the board in trouble, since this seems to be a gray area legally.  If any forum moderators want to tell me if it's okay to post the website, I'd be happy to share.
Shell (US) and SteveB (UK)

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Re: Pack or Toss - 3 weeks to go! HELP!
« Reply #6 on: February 22, 2005, 05:23:28 PM »

 ;D :D WOW, you guys are great!  Thanks for all the excellent help, advice & links!

balmerhon - Thanks for those links!  I know it is a bit confusing - we are actually still confused!  My husband is coming over and staying in a hotel for a few weeks.  We should be able to close on our house 4/1 and I am coming over then.  Our house has been vacant for a few months - but when we looked at it a few weeks ago - it had power.
About the cable.. husband is insisting on satellite tv so he can get all his american sports. How do we go about getting that - any suggestions?

henrygirls - congrats on your relocation!  Hope it went smoothly!  I have to check the back of my monitor as soon as I get home - that would be great if I could take that!  And I have been hitting the bath & body stores hard!  ;D  If they are paying... I am bringing as much as possible!

shell - it would be great if our DVD could be reprogrammed. that would be incredible.  if you don;t get in trouble - could you message me the website?  thanks so much for you advice!

thanks everyone!  any more help - keep it comin'!

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Re: Pack or Toss - 3 weeks to go! HELP!
« Reply #7 on: February 22, 2005, 05:31:23 PM »

balmerhon - Thanks for those links! I know it is a bit confusing - we are actually still confused! My husband is coming over and staying in a hotel for a few weeks. We should be able to close on our house 4/1 and I am coming over then. Our house has been vacant for a few months - but when we looked at it a few weeks ago - it had power.
About the cable.. husband is insisting on satellite tv so he can get all his american sports. How do we go about getting that - any suggestions?

You're gonna need sky digital tv and then subscribe to NASN.

NASN won't show everything obviously, but it'll show a lot. If your DH follows a particular team, he might want to look into subscribing to their game package. For example, I'm a big Orioles fan so have the MLB audio package. I can listen to all the O's games on my computer whenever I want to. They have a video version as well.
When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down ‘happy’. They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, and I told them they didn’t understand life. ~ John Lennon

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Re: Pack or Toss - 3 weeks to go! HELP!
« Reply #8 on: February 23, 2005, 04:00:28 PM »
1. new desktop Dell?
The CPU switches to 220 - so I am bringing that,  the keyboard, the printer (I know I may have to get a new one).  The monitor is the only thing I must buy right away, correct?  Any suggestions on the best place to get one when I arrive? Prices? ALSO - I would love to go ahead and get the 'plug adapter' (?) for the computer now... that's what I need - not a voltage converter?? right?  Where should I get that?

I wouldn't bother with the adapter. -- Too many of them are of poor quality.   Just buy a power lead when you get here which will go from the British plug to the IEC connector (that's the one on the back of your computer), or if you feel confident enough, cut off the existing U.S. plug and fit a British plug to your existing power cord instead.

If your printer and monitor are 120V only and you're particularly attached to them, you may find it easier to just run them via a transformer.  You can buy self-contained units which come fitted with one or more NEMA (American) outlets on them.  For example:


2. DVD's, VHS's, CD's
I am hoping to buy a universal DVD player upon arrival - do they make universal VHS players?  Will my US CD's work in a universal DVD player?

Regular audio CDs will be fine.    The DVD angle has pretty much been covered by the others, so I won't repeat it.   

Many modern TVs sold in the U.K. will actually accept an NTSC (American) video signal, and  these days you'll also find plenty of VCRs which will play back an NTSC VHS tape.   The feature has become much more common on domestic-grade equipment in recent years thanks to people importing tapes from the U.S.     

Note however that most domestic VCRs will not record in NTSC format, so you won't be able to tape things and send back to relatives in the States. 

3. Surround sound system - actually, can i bring this??
If you can switch to 240V or run via a transformer, you may want to bring it along.  There are some compatibility issues though which may or may not affect you depending upon what is included in the system (radio tuners, for example).

7. New digital universal remote?? guess that won't work with new tv's?

If it's the type which has hundreds of U.S. models programmed in and you select the right one from the list, probably not.   If it's the type which "learns" by having you press the buttons on the original remote control which came with the set, then chances are it will be fine.
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Re: Pack or Toss - 3 weeks to go! HELP!
« Reply #9 on: February 23, 2005, 04:13:49 PM »
shell - it would be great if our DVD could be reprogrammed. that would be incredible.  if you don;t get in trouble - could you message me the website? 

Erm, I wouldn't mind having that link too - our DVD is single region and it's driving me nuts that I can't play my US DVDs on it and in reverse it's irritating not to be able to bring DVDs to the US with us to show my parents!

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Re: Pack or Toss - 3 weeks to go! HELP!
« Reply #10 on: February 24, 2005, 03:04:20 PM »
This may not be the best place to post this but for anyone with DVD region problems, you can "rip" your DVDs on a computer so they are regionless.  The software is free but you will need a DVD burner on your computer to burn the new region free DVD.  It is a pretty simple process and sounds more complicated than it is.

Download and install DVD Shrink (http://www.dvdshrink.org/) on your computer
Open your DVD in the program and remove region protection (all automated)
Optionally remove some parts of the DVD that waste space (like trailers, foreign language soundtrack, etc)
Burn your new "shrunk" DVD (unless you have a dual layer DVD burner that can hold the full size)

The shrinking of the quality should not be noticeable because the retial version has far more qwuality than anyone uses.  Here is a step by step guide on using the program (http://www.mrbass.org/dvdshrink/).

Unrealated TV question........

Suggestion --- we bought a large plasma flatscreen -- rather than a television it is a monitor (doesn't have a receiver built into it).   We use the satellite box or the VCR to act as the tuner -- no problem.  It is dual voltage compatible and you don't have issue with the PAL/NTSC format.

That is a great idea.  In preparation for my move, I have been looking at the TV prices in the UK and they are almost twice the price as the US.  Where did you get it with dual voltage?  What kind is it?

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Re: Pack or Toss - 3 weeks to go! HELP!
« Reply #11 on: February 26, 2005, 08:19:31 PM »
It is an NEC 42VP4 -- 110/220 compat.  NTSC and SCART capabilities.  You could also use it as your computer monitor.  Seems to be very flexible.

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