Best of luck to you Pebbles! Exercise is a b*tch, isn't it? There isn't a room in tiny cottage big enough for a workout, so I've joined a gym. I was amazed to be able to find an all-women gym, which for me is a must. It's hard enough getting me to go without having to deal with the meat-market that a lot of gyms turn into.
Teutonica is right about altering your exercise routine from time to time. In addition to keeping you losing weight, it also (for me, anyway) keeps it interesting. If I did the same thing all the time I'd get so bored I'd give up. The gym I go to has trainers who work with you and devise programs for you to do. Every six weeks, they assess you (the dreaded scales and fat-ometers! yikes!) and give you a new program. So far it's working ... and by that I mean that I haven't given up! For a total exercise-ophobe like me that's huuuuge.
Yes, Pebbles, you'll definitely see a difference in a month. For the first six weeks of my exercise program, I worked out 3-4 times a week. However, I really let myself down when it came to eating. Seemed like I had a lot of parties, events, weekends away, etc. , so I ate like an absolute cow. Normally, that would have resulted in a weight gain of 5-10 lbs, but instead I lost 2! This time around, I'm trying to exercise AND diet!
If you ever need to whinge about exercising or just want to commiserate, drop me a PM!