Happy Mother's Day to everyone, even if it's already past for the Brit moms. I have always felt that everyday is Mother's Day.
Yesterday I had a terrible experience with my 16 year old son. I found out that he has been skipping some classes at school this past week so I called a family meeting. (Luckily his father and I are on very good terms and will show up to form a united front with me when needed.) When put on the spot by 2 angry parents for not taking responsibility for his actions, he did what a lot of teens do and blamed it in a round about way on ME. Though there is a part of me that knows I didn't do anything wrong, it still hurts to be lashed out at in that way that only overly dramatic 16 yr olds can pull off. So today I will be calling my own mother and apologizing specifically for all teen drama that I was the creator of back in the 80's. Maybe one day in the far future, I too will get one. If anyone out there owes THEIR mom that "Sorry, I was a compete a$$" call, today would be a great day to do it. Trust me, it will be welcomed!
This too shall pass! Happy Mother's Day!