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Topic: IGNORANCE on behalf of employers!  (Read 1110 times)

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IGNORANCE on behalf of employers!
« on: May 07, 2005, 12:15:25 PM »
I've been searching for a job here in the ars*-end-of-NOWHERE and I applied for a job -- close to the house.  Convenient!  Interviewed --- GREAT!  Waiting to hear if I'd be hired or NOT( ::) )

Ok -- got the "thanks but no thanks" letter this morning -- with the added (ON A COMPLIMENTS SLIP!)
"my accountant asked if you had PROOF of being here or working while your application for naturalisation was in process-- I told him no.  He suggested that you might want to have proof for other interviews"


(My immediate thought was -- your accountant should tell YOU to use TICTACS more often!)

I had a copy of the letter the HOME OFFICE sent me for my naturalisation applicaiton andI had my NI card and all my other letters and copies of my passport and visa!  WHAT ELSE AM I SUPPOSE TO have to prove to these numbnuts that  -- YEAH -- I DO have the right to BE here and WORK here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  (sorry -- very exasperated!)

What would YOU do?

(please don't say anything about margaritaville -- that's a gimme!)  ;)
« Last Edit: May 07, 2005, 12:40:01 PM by driveupcoffee »

Re: IGNORANCE on behalf of employers!
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2005, 12:57:06 PM »
It's understandable that employers would be skittish given all of the hullabaloo about illegals, plus the threat of being fined.  I'm fully British, but still encounter problems like that from time-to-time based upon my accent.   ::)  Even presenting a British passport, I've heard stuff along the lines of "Well, we don't really know all the types of passports they issue to foreigners these days..."  That was checking in to a hotel in Cornwall! 

But to answer your question, you would always bring your most recent P60 or P45 and make sure that they saw it, right?

And of course you would have a colour print of of this page:  http://www.workingintheuk.gov.uk/ind/en/home/0/preventing_illegal/uk_passport_stamps.html to show, right?

In situations where the woman has no prior P60 or P45, I have been providing a letter along the lines of http://www.londonelegance.com/transpondia/-yvw2004-253.pdf  which is certainly nothing official, but seems to work some of the time. 

Hope that gives you some ideas, DUC!  :D

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Re: IGNORANCE on behalf of employers!
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2005, 06:32:47 PM »


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