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Topic: Labour strikes & class....  (Read 2159 times)

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Labour strikes & class....
« on: October 20, 2003, 09:45:42 PM »
I am not sure if any of you here have faced this predicament, but maybe you would like to part some advise my way.

The University of Minnesota non-public workers (ie non-professors, clerical workers, maintenance etc.) after a lot of unsucessful negotiations are planning to begin a labour strike tommrow.

Their litigation stands on a proposed wage freeze (yet..) the rising cost of health care and so-called health contributions--which are the same extravagant amount no matter your position at the university.

Tommrow there will be picket lines and I am wondering if for some classes I should cross them and go on my way or take a moral imperative stance and support the labour cause.

Given midterms alone this is not a pretty option...

what would you do?


Re: Labour strikes & class....
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2003, 10:10:48 PM »
Crossing a picket line (in my humble opinion) is never a good thing to do. If management sees that , it only strengthens their resolve not to bargain in good faith. Not everyone agrees with unions but there's a reason for them, in theory they protect the interests of the workingman against unscrupulous labor practices. Almost ALL arbitration is found in favor of unions when the facts are presented so that should tell you something. I was a steward in a union for almost 10 years so I've heard all the bullshit before about cost effectiveness, budgets, etc....but never ONCE saw management concede any of their pay raises or benefits to alleviate the issues. When you see those people out there tomorrow try and put yourself in their position, strikes are as a rule the last option they have.

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