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Topic: what is your weekly food spends??  (Read 2878 times)

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Re: what is your weekly food spends??
« Reply #30 on: June 15, 2005, 03:01:49 PM »
Yes, you do. The Tesco clubcard sends you coupons based on your past purchases. Since what we mostly buy is fresh fruit and veg, that is what we get coupons for - apples and asparagus. And rum & Dvd's.


Huh. That's good.  :) But I'm just not gonna let them track my shopping habits. I've read somewhere about the long-term plans they have for the use of these details and it really put me off. I'll see if I can find the article.
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Re: what is your weekly food spends??
« Reply #31 on: June 15, 2005, 03:38:15 PM »
I know what you mean ...it's only 3 people and yet by wensday the fridge is empty...the bread , cheese, milk ..gone . Hubs will eat a box of cereal on his own if you let him...I've tried to put the reins on it but never works. Anyone managed to figure out a cut back on weekly spends??

Stop buying biscuits, or only buy really, really boring ones. ;D That seemed to reduce our spend by £££s!
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Re: what is your weekly food spends??
« Reply #32 on: June 15, 2005, 04:40:55 PM »
that's the thing I buy no: biscuits , snacks of any kind. The consume bread (having sandwiches throughout the day- Marmite & cheese , Cheese & pickle , Jam & cheese) consume all the juice and cereal. I buy fruit and veg but that doesn't get eaten as quickly unless it's strawberries....

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Re: what is your weekly food spends??
« Reply #33 on: June 15, 2005, 07:27:49 PM »
Usually hovering around the £80 mark.  We don't go every week though.  We seem to go three weeks and then miss a week.  Ways to save money, is to take advantage of the deals and plan your meals around them.  Make a list and stick to it.  Don't buy lots of snacks and impulse buys.  And the biggest way we cut down on spending was not to waste food-keep and eye on sell by/use by dates, plan your menus in advance and stick to it, know what your schedules going to be like so you don't buy food you don't need. 

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