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Topic: Rushdie's Verses  (Read 2306 times)

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Rushdie's Verses
« on: November 04, 2003, 09:00:19 PM »
The Big Read inspired me to try tackling some of the books I've bought that I haven't read. Rushdie's Satanic Verses is one of those.

Has anyone got through this book? I almost gave up through the first 16 pages, as it was like trying to clap to a syncopated song. However, at page 20 I started to adjust to the rhythm, or else it smoothed itself out, not sure which. It actually became very interesting, but I've hit a bit of a wall, the story became so bizarre, that I had to put it down, and I haven't picked it up again.

Anyone who's read it, is it worth sticking it out to get through it? I was fine, and enjoying it, to the point of one main character growing horns and other such mutations. ;)

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Re: Rushdie's Verses
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2003, 09:02:21 PM »
to the point of one main character growing horns and other such mutations.

Sounds like my boss.
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