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Topic: Paying off foreign (EU) debt in UK  (Read 1241 times)

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Paying off foreign (EU) debt in UK
« on: July 21, 2005, 07:38:04 AM »
We currently live in Sweden but are hoping to move to the UK in two years (or less). How easy or hard is it to pay off debt from there? I believe that are banking system is similar to the UK and within all EU banks one can transfer money easily. Is this true?

We plan to pay off as much debt as possible from here (student loans mainly) but how do UK banks view debt? Are they less likely to issue a bank account, and credit card if one has outstanding debt in another EU country? We are in no way trying to shirk our responsibilities here in Sweden! We plan to pay off these debts in full we just wondered if we could move and pay them off from there or is it better to stay here until they are paid?
I'm an American (with dual citizenship) living in Stockholm, Sweden for almost 6 years.

My Swede and I are looking towards a future move to the UK.

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Re: Paying off foreign (EU) debt in UK
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2005, 08:05:53 AM »
I don't know about EU countries but the debts I had from the US when I moved here were of no concern at all to the UK banks.  They didn't care one iota about what had happened to my finances before I moved to the UK.  I expect it will be the same with other EU countries to be honest.

As for transfering money, it wasn't as easy as I thought it should be in this day and age.  We've resorted to using pay pal and an American bank account. 

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