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Topic: Just wanted to........  (Read 25112 times)

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Just wanted to........
« on: August 03, 2002, 11:07:29 PM »
.......say Hello to everyone.  New to this website and I like it VERY much -- its fab!!!  I'm English and my husband and 6 yr old son are American.  We have been living in England for exactly one year today....at least it isn't pouring down like it was when we got off the plane last year!!!!  (Previously, I lived in the US for 10 years and miss it like mad).
I tend not to post much -- more of a reader.  Mainly 'coz I noticed on another expat board that I, sometimes, visit even the simplist of comments seem to cause offence.  Anyhoo, it doesn't seem that way here so maybe I'll be brave enough to post my thoughts/opinion once in a while.
I must say that the 'Spouse House' is a great idea!!


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Re: Just wanted to........
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2002, 12:00:26 AM »
Welcome and THANK YOU for plugging living in America in Spouse House !!!!!!!! (Are you reading this honey ??? huh huh are you !!!!!)

So what part of Cali did you live in may I ask ? There's a few of us here from the Golden State so you will find company missing the good stuff - the ocean, the greatest sunsets in America, plastic surgeons in your local mall  [smiley=gorgeous.gif]..
You know, the stuff that makes you feel at home.  :D  Feel free to speak up often and loud this is a fun group and you'd have to work pretty hard at offending people easily here.
Anyways Welcome again .... [smiley=sunny.gif]
You're a daisy if you do........

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Re: Just wanted to........
« Reply #2 on: August 04, 2002, 02:09:17 AM »
OOOOH   how exciting  ,    we have a female member of the spouse house,  That proves its just not girls versus boys anymore.  Thanks for stopping by.

As we all know in the spouse house, feel free to read anything that says Spouse House Members Only , and you will know that you are reading something that only us spouses can share between us exclusively.

It's an honour system thing,  you know our US partners won't break the rules!   lol
Steve ( Mr Pam/Itsbcoz...u know what I mean)

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Re: Just wanted to........
« Reply #3 on: August 04, 2002, 02:12:27 AM »
Hi feistylilredhead,

Thankyou for that warm welcome  :)

I lived in southern cali -- Coronado to be exact -- which is where I met my husband.  You're so right about the ocean and the sunsets and of course the 'drive-by' plastic surgeons as I call them!!!!
This certainly does seem like a fun group, people definitely have a sense of humour here.  I found this site earlier today and I'm ashamed to say that my little boy has been an 'internet orphan' all day!!!  I've been reading loads of posts and after a while felt sufficiently guilty to tear myself away and feed him!!!  He's asleep now and I came back but then my fave American programme came on -- CSI -- so here I am again ---- I'm completely hooked!!!!

How do you like (or not) life in the UK?  Whereabouts in Cali are you from?
BTW I'm a feisty lil redhead too!!!

Christine   8)

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Re: Just wanted to........
« Reply #4 on: August 04, 2002, 02:23:17 AM »
Hi UKSteve,

Thankyou for your warm welcome, too!!  Am I the only female member of the Spouse House??  I must say that has truly made my day!!!!  Or night actually, since it is 11:13pm.
Wow, I've posted 3 times in one evening...I really am brave, hehe.
Whereabouts in the US is your spouse from? Have you ever lived there or have any plans to?  Just curious  :)


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Re: Just wanted to........
« Reply #5 on: August 04, 2002, 02:24:11 AM »
And another thing...

why don't you post a Hi to everyone in INTRODUCE YOURSELF, and let the whole site know that you have arrived.

...coz , well you know,  they never come in here!

Steve ( Mr Pam/Itsbcoz...u know what I mean)

Re: Just wanted to........
« Reply #6 on: August 04, 2002, 12:28:13 PM »
Hi and welcome to  the site.  Don't feel that you have to stay in the spouse house.  We do after all let UKSteve, Belgian Beer and Orb out occasionially.  Whereabouts are you living?  It must have been a huge shock to the system to move back after ten years-how are you finding it?  Anyway welcome and feel free to  post often!  :)

Mindy is leaving the spouse house before anyone notices.  

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Re: Just wanted to........
« Reply #7 on: August 04, 2002, 12:29:11 PM »
Hi all............Brit malespouse here married to Malissa.........Seemed surreal at the time but met in a chat room now it almost seems commonplace. As I see things something really has to be done about the great TexMex food scandal.In and endless quest to find this elusive commodity we have visited some of theworst establishments in the SW of England. We have enough bad restaurants as it is! Here are a few we have tried Chiquitos....Bad Bad very bad.....
A place in Tavistock "curried rice and peas served as some Mex dish I had never heard of. Newquay place run by the curry house over the road best described as "chicken ding"...
Someone must know where I can take my wife to get a fix of this culinary delight of which I know nothing......

Re: Just wanted to........
« Reply #8 on: August 04, 2002, 12:38:11 PM »
Hi djd and welcome to the sight. Can't help you with tex-mex I'm afraid, I've been on a similar search for the past 12 years.  But if you're married to Malissa then  I do know however that you're about to be introduced to the unparrelelled treat of trying a Corn Dog!  :)  Enjoy it!

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Re: Just wanted to........
« Reply #9 on: August 04, 2002, 01:30:03 PM »
Why is it that our American spouses see it as their mission in life to introduce us to these gastronomic delights.We all know any chip shop can serve us with a sausage in batter so whats the big thing about "Corn Dogs".......
Yet when we mention things like "Steak and Kidney pie" and "Black Pudding" and the ever popular "Spotted Dick" we are made to feel very deprived........
Oh I almost forgot Marmite with its world renowned aphrodisac powers...................

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Re: Just wanted to........
« Reply #10 on: August 04, 2002, 03:07:37 PM »
Two replies here ..
How do you like (or not) life in the UK?  Whereabouts in Cali are you from?
BTW I'm a feisty lil redhead too!!!

UKCali Girl - I'm a Bay Area baby recently moved here to Nottingham (2 mos and still reeling). I can't honestly comment about life in the UK yet since I'm still trying to adjust .. I can say they we are on a five year plan before making a straight shot home to Cali.  [smiley=sunny.gif]
As for being another feistylilredhead - Darling the world can never have too much of a good thing  [smiley=gorgeous.gif] :D

And to djd -
Why is it that our American spouses see it as their mission in life to introduce us to these gastronomic delights.We all know any chip shop can serve us with a sausage in batter so whats the big thing about "Corn Dogs".......

Sigh ... have you seen your wifes corn dog recipe ?? That Woman is a Goddess Sir !!!!!! I will have to defend her honor here I see ... [smiley=cowboy.gif]  Sir, there are Yankee boys who would propose to your wife for that information alone !!! (Heck some of the women here might do it still .. ;D)
I suggest you humbly beg her forgiveness for not realising what a gem you have ....<mutters to self .. mocking the corndog ...well I nevah [smiley=beadyeyes.gif] !)
As for marmite - It is evil, it is unexplainable .. and as for it being an aphrodisiac, it's a marketing ploy to keep peope in the UK from over populating. See cigarettes as healthfood ads from the 1940's.... [smiley=bomb.gif]
Oh and welcome to the site !!! Nice to have you   [smiley=2thumbsup.gif]
You're a daisy if you do........

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