Two replies here ..
How do you like (or not) life in the UK? Whereabouts in Cali are you from?
BTW I'm a feisty lil redhead too!!!
UKCali Girl - I'm a Bay Area baby recently moved here to Nottingham (2 mos and still reeling). I can't honestly comment about life in the UK yet since I'm still trying to adjust .. I can say they we are on a five year plan before making a straight shot home to Cali. [smiley=sunny.gif]
As for being another feistylilredhead - Darling the world can never have too much of a good thing

And to djd -
Why is it that our American spouses see it as their mission in life to introduce us to these gastronomic delights.We all know any chip shop can serve us with a sausage in batter so whats the big thing about "Corn Dogs".......
Sigh ... have you seen your wifes corn dog recipe ?? That Woman is a Goddess Sir !!!!!! I will have to defend her honor here I see ...
![Cowboy [smiley=cowboy.gif]](
Sir, there are Yankee boys who would propose to your wife for that information alone !!! (Heck some of the women here might do it still ..

I suggest you humbly beg her forgiveness for not realising what a gem you have ....<mutters to self .. mocking the corndog ...well I nevah
![Beadyeyes [smiley=beadyeyes.gif]](
As for marmite - It is evil, it is unexplainable .. and as for it being an aphrodisiac, it's a marketing ploy to keep peope in the UK from over populating. See cigarettes as healthfood ads from the 1940's....
![Bomb [smiley=bomb.gif]](
Oh and welcome to the site !!! Nice to have you
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