Just a bit of a background... I'm a web designer living in Texas who cannot wait to move to the UK.
A month ago I hit what I thought was that big break: I was invited for my first job interview with a small but solid company north of London. The interview went well and the manager who talked with me said "we're interested but want you back for interview round 2". Yay, fine, I don't mind coming back. This looked promising. So the recruiter helps set up another interview for the 8th.
I went there yesterday, met with the manager who interviewed me last time and another company head and... nothing. I did what I felt was fairly well in the interview but they said... nothing. Just a "Well, thank you, we'll sit here and talk about you as you might imagine". Not even a "We'll let you know".
Could they do it? Could they really call me in for an interview TWICE, knowing I'm flying all the way from Texas and forking over a grand for each of the tickets, and then "dump" me?
I'm just worried and depressed. I haven't been in my present US job very long and I can't continue flying back and forth for more job interviews if that's what will be required of me.
Anyway... just a bit of job-hunt related venting. *sigh* If I don't get this I'm back to square one.