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Topic: Please Help me!! need some advice and help  (Read 1454 times)

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Please Help me!! need some advice and help
« on: September 10, 2005, 08:49:17 PM »
 Hello I will be planning to move to the Uk sometime in the coming months from Spain; what I would like to know is regarding  the bills like water, electricity and gas, how do you often pay these bills? monthly? weekly? and my main question is on a single person living alone like me what would approximately be the bill for these three? monthly?
and my other important question is: is the Council tax has to be payed by the landlor? or me when I rent a flat? I am confused.. about all this please I really need someone helping friend to inform me about all this;

I also have a car, besides the insurance and the vehicle license annually what else do i have to pay for the car? is that vehicle tax the same as the road tax anually around 160gbp??Please I would really appreciate this info as well as making new friends here, its hard when you travel for the first time from abroad and don´t know any reference or know any friends who can tip you.
Thank you! Thank You so much! :\\\'( :\\\'(

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Re: Please Help me!! need some advice and help
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2005, 11:45:50 PM »
Your bills would depend on where you are going to live and how much gas, water, electricity you use.  You will have to pay your own council tax. I have council tax taken out of my bank account monthly by direct debit, but I think different people have different arrangements. I don't see why it matters how frequently you pay your bills, as in the end, it all comes out to the same total.

Why are you moving to the UK? I find it kind of strange that you are planning to move here permanently when you have never even visited.  (Although I know somebody from America who moved to the UK without ever visiting and it worked out fine for him.)

« Last Edit: September 10, 2005, 11:50:24 PM by sweetpeach »

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Re: Please Help me!! need some advice and help
« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2005, 01:47:33 PM »
First of all, I did visited, been to Luton, London and find it great! I am from Spain, yeahh you probably think you are out of your mind living in the Uk with sunny spain, but, sometimes you want to look for a change in your life and I thought I want to try out in the Uk!! and I am very excited about the idea;
I am american citizen and european also since my Mom is spanish! ;)
hope i can make nice friends here

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Re: Please Help me!! need some advice and help
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2005, 04:51:34 PM »

what I would like to know is regarding  the bills like water, electricity and gas, how do you often pay these bills? monthly? weekly?

Traditionally, electricity and gas bills are sent out quarterly (i.e. every 3 months), although I think some companies might issue them more frequently now.    You can, however, arrange for a direct debit from your bank account to cover the bills, and if you choose this option then the payment is normally made monthly. 

Another alternative, especially if you are in short-term rented accommodation is to have a meter which takes cards.  With this system you can just buy cards with a prepaid amount of credit whenever you like, then as one card runs out you just insert another. 

Water billing varies, but there are usually several options as well.  In my area, for example, you can pay the full year in advance, split the bill into two and pay at 6-month intervals, or arrange a direct debit to pay monthly.      Some properties have metered water where you pay by the amount used, while others are still operating under the older arrangement where it's just a fixed charge no matter how much you use.

my main question is on a single person living alone like me what would approximately be the bill for these three?

Very difficult to be specific, as so much depends upon your usage, as well as other factors such as how well insulated the house is, and so on. 

I have no gas, so I use electricity for heating, cooking, and heating my water in an average-sized detached house and it runs about £500 over the year.   On unmetered water service, I pay about £300 for the year (that includes water supply and sewer charges).

is the Council tax has to be payed by the landlor? or me when I rent a flat?

You would have to pay it whether you own or rent your house.   If you will be living alone, you can claim a 25% discount from the normal rate.  So far as I'm aware, just about all local councils have arrangements which let you pay in monthly installments. 

I also have a car, besides the insurance and the vehicle license annually what else do i have to pay for the car?

Other than your usual service and repair bills, you also need an annual inspection certificate if it's over 3 years old.   If you don't have anywhere private to park, in some citiies you would also need to get a resident's parking permit.

is that vehicle tax the same as the road tax anually around 160gbp??

There are separate import taxes, but if you've owned your car more than 6 months and are bringing it with you you wouldn't have to pay those.  You'd just need to pay a one-time fee to get it all re-registered here, although there may be  some other complications involved.

The "road tax" is known officially as "vehicle excise duty," and upon payment you are given a disc to display in the windshield as proof that it has been paid. 

The full rate is now £170 per year, but it is reduced to £110 for cars with an engine less than 1549 c.c.     If your car is a 2001 or later model, it works under a new system which is based on emissions.  You can see the rates here:


Hope this helps.  :)
« Last Edit: September 11, 2005, 04:55:03 PM by Paul_1966 »
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Re: Please Help me!! need some advice and help
« Reply #4 on: September 11, 2005, 10:48:53 PM »
Thank you Paul it helps..eventhough its all like japanese for me, i Guess when Im there everything will sound more easy as it goes... right now it sounds like a big mountain! :)

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Re: Please Help me!! need some advice and help
« Reply #5 on: September 11, 2005, 10:53:31 PM »
Here is the link to Luton Borough Council - you will be able to determin council tax rates on various properties and there will be a lot of local living and environment information (under tourism & travel for example, you will find details of bed & breakfast accommodation that have been approved  by the local council)

You will also find public transport information on there. Hope this helps :)


Here's their local news website (more jobs, accomms etc)


« Last Edit: September 11, 2005, 10:56:36 PM by New-Dawn »
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Re: Please Help me!! need some advice and help
« Reply #6 on: September 11, 2005, 11:01:58 PM »
I have to ask -- Why Luton?    Also, are you looking at any part of the town specifically?

I grew up in Luton, but moved away in 1980 when I was 14.    I've been back a few times since, the last brief visit being just a few months ago.    I wouldn't even consider living there with the way the place has changed.   There are much nicer places to live.
To car
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