This is absolutley NOT true!
Most mortgage applications will include a section for you to declare current debts and their amounts. These details are then assessed by the lender as to whether you're application could be successful or not. And considering just how many Brits are happy to purchase items on HP, Credit Cards, Loans, you can safely be assured that a very very high proportion of new mortgage applications people have a substantial amount of debt. Being mortgaged to the hilt on top of that is almost blaze (blahzay).
Kristi - I know quite a few US lenders and Canadian ones, use what I think is sensible judgement in the 'ability' to pay system. They will look at your income and outgoings and decide how much they can lend you. This to me cuts out potential 'bad borrowers' i.e the ones on maxed credit cards, loans etc and still get a mortgage, further placing them with more burden.
As far as I know, no mortgage lenders in the UK operate in this way, although with the explosion over the last 5-10 years in lending, I wouldn't be surprised there actually are 1 or 2 lenders doing this kind of pre lending judgements.
Zuesy99 - you can show this thread to yer other half! and then run off to go apply for a mortgage!
Cheers! Dennis! West London & Slough UK!!