On my third trip to the UK, I was visiting during the Christmas holidays. I didn't have any visas of sorts as I was told it's not needed for US citizens who plan on staying less then 6 months. I was stopped by immigration at Heathrow, and had the same thing happen. The woman who questioned me was very rude and quite snappy. I'm beginning to think it's the women who work for immigration. Ok this maybe unfair bias, however with my last 2 entry into the UK, I've had women and both of which acted in the same manner. I was told (even though it was a question, but her tone and mannerism was more of I'm telling you what to do), "why don't you get married, there's nothing stopping you from getting a fiance visa".
As far as being nosy, my last trip into the UK, the woman at immigration, was very nosy in my opinion. Asking questions such as: Why do you live in SC? Where does your family live? Why do they live in one state and you live in another? Why and when did you move to SC? How many brothers do you have and where do they live? Why did you rent a car at an airport in the US (she had gone through all my things and found a receipt I still had in my planner book). I had brought some photos, she wanted to know who was who in them and where and when they were taken - my niece at halloween, my brother at his wedding, me in Australia (and she went through ever single one of them ). Wanted to know I was in Australia 4 yrs ago, how long, why and why do I travel alone - (21st century - I'm an independent woman thanks!). She picked up a box and asked me what it was - it was dental floss! Now I know they do need to ask some questions, but questions such as dental floss!? or a vacation I took over 4 yrs ago! or even a car rental receipt! I just felt it was taken too far. I answered them all honestly, but apparently that wasn't good enough as I was denied entry on a 5 week visit (with return ticket). Although I was granted temporary stay for 5 weeks and to return to the US on my return ticket - go figure.
Almost makes me wonder if they are jealous of the frequent travels and how anyone can afford such trips. They probably never left the airports they work in! hehe.