Hello everyone
I'm a new member here, and I just finished submitting applications, CV's etc. for lecturships in the UK. My husband and I are both working at the same university here in New Mexico. At our university, when they hire a person in a faculty, research or professional position, they provide information and help to the spouse of the new hire to help them also find employment. One of the US schools where I'm applying to mentions doing the same thing in the job announcement.
However, my previous university has the opposite philosophy, and will not hire spouses. If two employees marry while working there, one of them must resign or be fired.
Is there a general policy in the UK, or does it also vary from university to university?
I was also reading through some of the previous threads (about finding work and US resume to UK CV issues) and I noticed that a few people were posting back in January that they were interviewing for teaching positions at universities? Anyone who has interviewed care to report back about how the interview went?