....my sister is having a heck of a time. Her 5yo LOVES the new baby...can't get enough of him, in fact. Her toddler (will turn 2 next month) is not so enamoured. Every time the baby wakes up in the night, he's up as well. If Fiona is trying to feed the baby, he's trying to punch the baby or shove him out of her arms, yelling "My turn! Not your turn!" Yes, definite issues....
My elder dd was a wee bit older (2 1/2) when younger dd was born, and I didn't have the same issues so I'm not able to give her any really helpful advice. I did tell her to remember that a 2yo's needs are, in general, much more complex than a newborn's needs, and that he's going to need lots of reassurance and extra cuddles. We also try and take him on special activities, telling him that 'Wyatt can't come because he's just a baby.'
I've suggested a white noise machine for the toddler's room....might make him less likely to wake up when the baby gets up in the night. Anyone else have any practical advice?