As a relationship becomes more advanced, sometimes you might bring your children along to visit your boyfriend (girlfriend). And sometimes something will set off an IO's radar and he will need to find out who you are, and you will be placed in detention at the airport (or in rare cases, possibly taken to a centre like Yarlswood) while they check you out.
The time spent in detention is normally not too long but it can drag on if they have lots of people to check out. And if you notice that detention is having an adverse effect on your child, it's appropriate to get up and TELL THEM! You don't have to be overbearing or aggressive about it, you just simply inform the inspector that detention is having an adverse effect on your child. They have a procedure for that.
It is not going to change the outcome of your case, and they are certainly not going to prejudice their decision because you are a concerned parent. But your children might be grateful if they are stressed or otherwise reacting poorly to the situation and you have the presence of mind to do something about it.
Remember that during detention, the best policy is appear helpful and cooperative. But it's totally correct to inform them that your child/children are experiencing adverse effects. *IF* that's the case.