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Topic: Going back to school...Am I allowed?  (Read 1735 times)

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Going back to school...Am I allowed?
« on: October 08, 2005, 11:00:56 AM »
Hi everyone!

Although I don't post very much(still feeling a bit shy); I was hoping to jump right in and ask a question.

I'd like to go back to university as soon as possible..I've recently come back to the UK with my spousal visa..From what I've read so far, I'll pay for all school expenses since I haven't been a resident for three years.

So essentially my questions are:

Am I allowed to attend Uni. having my FLR or do I need to wait until I get my ILR?

After I get my ILR, will I be able to apply for financial aid?

If I am able to apply now, I was thinking of taking a few courses on Open University, to get myself started again.

That should do for now..I'm sure I'll think of something else after I log off! ;)

Any input is greatly appreciated..Thanks so much!! :)


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Re: Going back to school...Am I allowed?
« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2005, 12:54:08 AM »
As I'm just getting my financial aid stuff sorted, I thought I'd add my 2cents. As far as I'm aware you are able to attend school at any point on FLR, but will have to pay international fees ( I wasn't bout to do that). So I've waited my 3years to start. Also, I was able to have a word w/the admission office and it seems they are more than happy to have apply as they get money from the gov when they admit foreign nationals. I suppose all this does is make it a bit easier to get in, depending on the school and how much they need the cash.
I'm off to the Uni on weds for the tour and all that jazz. Will let you know how it turns out.
They have a funny habit here of saying one thing now, but later its all changed.
As for the OU, they are great and many people rave about it. It's a good way to get you back into studying and you don't have the brave the cold British weather :)
Good Luck!
PS If you need anymore info re: Funding check out Aimhigher.co.uk or hotcourses.com

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Re: Going back to school...Am I allowed?
« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2005, 09:57:42 AM »
Hi Terri,

Thanks for your advice!

Yes, I recently called the local college to get an idea of how much classes would run for me. I need to brush up on my Maths and Science. A class or two (from what I gathered) was going to cost almost £3000! :o

Anyway, I'm hoping the OU will work out for me. I'm going to take a class or two-probably Math and Science as I mentioned before. From what I read, it will work well with my schedule. I have two small children and am looking for full-time work; so a class or two will keep me motivated, but not so much that my head explodes! ;) And the cost isn't bad either!

Once I'm able to apply for financial aid, I'll go full-time if I can.

Thanks alot for your help. I'll keep you posted as well with my OU adventure! Let me know how your Uni. tour goes.

Speak soon! :)


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Re: Going back to school...Am I allowed?
« Reply #3 on: October 18, 2005, 12:48:18 PM »
I am a full time international student on a spousal visa and was able to attend right away.  It does cost an arm and a leg and a few other body parts though -unless you are lucky enough to find funding somewhere.  Some departments will fund you as an international student and you just have to pay UK/EU fees.  It just depends how in demand you are and what level degree and a ton of other things.   

It's that or do OU and apply after 3 years.
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Re: Going back to school...Am I allowed?
« Reply #4 on: October 18, 2005, 10:51:37 PM »
Hiya Angela,
I'm gonna have to pay about £3K per year for my course. From what I've gathered I'll be able to get it all in loan form, but still gotta pay it back at some point. I looked at the OU tonight, as I was trying to do something this year as well, but they're not cheap either. Just about every course is £125 or more. You CAN apply for finacial aid w/them as well so that might be an option for you. At the very least we can take comfort in the fact that one day we should be earning something decent after we get school out the way. At least that's what I keep telling myself  ;)

Good luck!!

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Re: Going back to school...Am I allowed?
« Reply #5 on: October 19, 2005, 10:02:35 AM »
Hi Terri and vnice!

Yeah, I keep telling myself the same thing. I know its going to take at least five years for me to finish my degree, but it'll be worth it! :)

I'm going to see if I can swing taking a course or two with the OU now, I think I'll be able to..

Thanks for your help guys! :)


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