Wheee! I've reapplied to the little Apple (computer) shop that opened up in town. I got a call back today to come in for an interview on Monday at half past ten! I did get the Disney job (just incase of any confusuion), but decided to also apply for the Apple one as well. I'll explain my situation.
The Disney job is ONLY for Christmas. The contract ends January 3 (I think).. The Apple one is permanent. If I wasn't so neurotic, I would have stuck with the Disney one. Now picture this: It's right after Christmas and you've exhausted your bank account. You then realise in 2 weeks you're bad self is unemployed again... *insert stress and panic* This is bad. Very bad. I want to go home at the end of June for my little cousins 14th birthday and the 4th of July. If I have no job, I have no money to go home. That will not do.
I get along with the staff of the Apple shop, I've been a few times and had a few conversations with them. One of them showed me a picture of his kitten and told me to quit the Disney job and work there because I have Mac and iPod power. ^_^ I know my way around Macs and think I have a really good chance. IF I don't get it (which I won't) I'll still have Disney to fall back on.