I think it's hilarious, lol!!! We should be able to have a laugh at them for a few reasons.
1) They run around looking cute and do practically nothing and get paid millions of dollars a year.
2) They aren't actually fat. On the contrary, it's sad because many celebrities are way too skinny. Then we, the world in general, idolize how malnutritioned they are.
3) They put themselves in the spotlight in the first place. And for the ones that boo hoo about being in the public eye all the time, it's their own fault, they chose that profession. Life must be so rough for them...sounds like hell to me - a personal trainer, a nutritionist, a publicist, etc... all to wait on them hand and foot until their skinny little hearts are content.
I know I'm being so cynical, but I really despise most celebrities. I think they represent so much that is wrong with America and more... LOL