I also feel exposure to other people's cultures and different backgrounds is one of the best things that we can give to our children!Not only do they learn that their culture is not the only one in this vast world,but also to be understanding and not so quick to judge others.Remember our children are our future leaders.
My child wasnt exposed to other cultures until we lived in the UK the first time.Although I know the bigger citys in the states have more of a diverse culture,I come from a smaller town,and I also wasnt raised around different kinds of cultures.
"The negatives that we've seen as far as what he's been "exposed to" at his school probably come more from it being in a city of 8 million and has nothing to do with the number of asylum seekers enrolled there. "
Iam with you on that Nursemeh,as we also lived in London the first time there.
I think that Iam very blessed to be able to give to my daughter,what wasnt given to me.The chance to explore the world,and travel to different countries.We plan on taking a holiday to Egypt,once we are settled again,she is very excited about that,since she has studied it in school.
This gives her the chance to be who she like to be,where she like to be.