Reminds me of the time a doctor told me to put butter on a 2nd degree burn. (Gads I hope he's not still practicing.)
I have never heard of getting mold on a body part, other than athlete's foot. And even then I don't think I'd call it "mold" (more like "fungus"*). I don't want to embarrass you by asking you to describe it. But I am rather floored by this!
Especially what he's prescribed as the cure! Me? I am allergic to aftershaves...would make any potential mold worse, not better. Is it because of the alcohol content?
If it is like athlete's foot, then wouldn't an antifungal cream be so much better?
* I know, I know, all molds are fungi, but not all fungi are molds, just that when talking body parts, mold sounds strange.