Hi Everyone!
I apologize if this topic has already been covered, but I didn't really notice it on here in the topic lines. Ok, I met my wonderful boyfriend through the internet two years ago, and we are planning on getting married in a years time. I also will finish my education degree here in the US next December. I've tried to make sense of all the education jargon on the websites run by the UK, but it's all such a mess!!!
Apparently, from what I can gather, I will be considered an unqualified teacher simply because I was not trained in the UK..hmmm
I would like to teach in Scotland as soon as possible after emigrating, but I don't really know where to begin. :-/ It's difficult because I cannot file a lot of the paperwork before I leave because I won't have my diploma in my greedy little hands until next December....does anyone have any tips on this? Has anyone else gone through this process?
I love teaching, I love the students, but I also love my man
and am moving there for him (even though I think it'll mean the sacrifice of my career for a bit).
Help please!!! Thanks!