Having been offline for a while, handling Important Tax Work; I can safely add:
1) I am not the moderator; I just like to stem the tide of "helpful" wrong advice, same as Guya does.
2) I agree, I don't like the concept of belittling as "joking", but Guya's not quite in that territory. More confident (with every reason to be; he clearly knows his stuff) than belittling, I'd say. Certainly, Guya's never crossed the line into insults or I would have complained to the head of the Forums.
3) I've been trying to guess Guya's secret daytime identity ever since his (or her) first post... It's a good game at this point. I know for sure we must have met at taxation meetings and that sort of thing. I thought I had it sussed at one point, but dang it, if when I asked that person point-blank to his face, he said it wasn't him. The real question is, was the person who said no actually Guya and pulling my leg? Or did I have the wrong guess? So few clues... So many tax preparers to choose from.