How bad is it to go into overdraft – not overdrawn? Does it affect your credit in any way?
I’m not used to paying for things by direct debit; in the States I always paid for everything by check. I always balanced my checkbook to the penny. If I received a bill and I knew I wouldn’t have enough mony until my paycheck cleared; I’d hold off on sending the check. This was never a problem as companies usually give you about two weeks to a month to pay a bill before they start charging late fees.
Now that we are paying for a bunch of things by direct debit, I am being driven slightly mad. We are always running into small overdrafts (£20 to £50) because the bank takes out money for a debit before mine and my husbands paychecks are deposited – sometimes just the day before. There seems to be no consistency as to when the debits are drawn; if I had an idea, I’d move over some money from my US bank account in advance to cover the payments before we went into overdraft.
There also seems to be no consistency regarding the timing by which the checks we write are paid out. For example, our January rent still hasn’t shown up on our bank statement. I’m sure the cheque was received because my husband hand-delivered it to the building manager, and anyway, if the landlord hadn’t received our rent, I’m sure we would have heard about it. So now whenever I check the balance, I have to mentally subtract the rent and remind my husband to do that as well.
It’s easier to pay for things by direct debit, and I guess the postage for cheque-paying, for companies that don’t supply stamped self-addressed envelopes, is more than the inerest charged on the overdraft, but the red numbers on the bank statement are really starting to get to me.