Has anyone successfully gotten ILR with less than the 20 pieces of name/address documentation required?
I have a few months to go, but I am starting to compile what I need. We have plenty of documentation with both of our names for Year 2, but my Year 1 paperwork is spotty. For Year 1 I have:
-NOTHING with both of our names (largely because we could not prove my address to get added to my husband's bank account-- it all goes in circles!)
-tons with just my husband's name, including lease, council tax, bank, bills, etc
Douments with my name on the approved list:
-NHS card (not sure if I will be able to keep the original, as we moved and must change doctors)
-NIN interview letter from Social Security Office
-different NIN interview letter from Job Centre Plus office
-2 letters from Inland Revenue
Documents with my name NOT on the approved list but seem official:
-letter about tax refund from US IRS
-2 letters from the University of Essex (my employer)
-2 letters from Binghamton University, USA (where I was a student)
I was not on the lease or council tax for the first year and, as previously mentioned, could not get on the bank account.
Also none of the documents with my name are from before November, although I moved over here in July. Will this be a problem?
Has anyone applied with a similar package? What were your results?
Is it possible to include any kind of supplementary documentation, like a letter from employer or such stating that you were known to have lived there for a certain period?
Thanks for your help.