I just wanted to take a moment to thank all of you who have kindly replied to my previous post regarding my difficulties adjusting to life here. Many of you have been kind enough to offer to meet up, as well as PMing me with messages of support and your own stories of settling into life here. Thanks to all of you. I can't tell you how much your advice and support has meant to me right now.
As for everything else, well, I still dislike my job as much as ever. However, the extra money it provides has been a lifeline for us. Having two incomes now has taken away some of the financial stress that was bearing down on us at the start of the new year. It has also given us the freedom to do things to enjoy ourselves a bit more, which has been a big help for me.
We've also been trying to fill our weekends with enjoyable things like having people over for dinner or going to Cambridgeshire to visit my husband's family/friends. We went a couple of weeks ago for the first time since before Christmas and had a wonderful time. It was the first time I felt really happy in months and we're already planning to go back next weekend as well. I still desperately miss my own family and friends, but being with DH's family is helping to ease the pain a bit more now. I think it's especially difficult for me to be away from my family because I am the youngest , but raised as an only child as my siblings are all much older than me. I also lived with my parents right up until my wedding day so in addition to being in a new country, this is also the first time that I've ever really lived away from my parents permanently, which I'm finding really hard.
Nevertheless, I think I'm coping a bit better these days. Now that I'm earning some money, we've decided to take a little weekend break to Devon/Exmoor area. I've never been there before and we're really looking forward to it. Most of all, my wonderful husband has agreed to move back to the US permanently. It won't be for another 18mo or so, but now that I know the end is in sight I feel better about making the most of our time here now.
Anyway, I'm rambling now. Thank you again to all of you for your encouraging words and advice. It has been much appreciated.