I don't think a 1116 or lack thereof reduces audit risk, it may in fact increase it if it's a zero result with no CF or CB (ditto AMT) since it obfuscates the return. I don't know for sure, however, as I've not seen any internal IRS documents on audit triggers for many years. Do you have a good website for this?
I agree with your other two points. As a matter or course I always do one, since my tax programme optimises between the 2555 and the 1116, allowing me to determine the absolutely lowest tax with full certainty.
Tax Fun Time:
You may like reading the IRS 2005 Data Book for audit stats:,,id=102174,00.htmlAlas, it doesn't have anything about triggers, just the results of all the audits.
... with apologies to American Freak for taking over your post to talk shop.