I have difficulties wanting to help someone like this. She can afford DSL and the money to pay for a website and whatever else. She isn't hurting THAT bad. Unless her husband is something below an E5, they're probably doing ok. she's probably in military housing, and if not, they're getting housing allowance, she's getting free medical care, and she has the PX and commissary at her disposal. She ain't got it too damn bad. My ex yanked quarters on me and essentially put me in a situation where me and my kids were going to be homeless and you didn't see me putting up a website asking people to send me money so that I wouldn't be on the street. Maybe I should have. Maybe that's what I should do now: "My husband and I are trying to save enough money for a down payment on a house, in the meantime, we live with my in-laws. Help us move out!" Right....