I applied for my British passport at the beginning of March initially. I am a US citizen still living in the US so I sent everything to the British Consulate in Washington DC as instructed. At the end of March, I received all my documents back and a note stating they needed further information... they needed my marriage certificate as proof of my name change. So I sent everything back via Express mail with tracking and all that. Everything was delivered in Washington as of the beginning of April. My credit card was charged the full passport/shipping fee of $185 back on April 12th. But as of today (April 24th) I still have not received anything back in the mail. According to the britainusa.com website:
London is experiencing technical difficulties with the passport issuing system and until further notice we cannot guarantee our 10 day delivery times for issuing passports. We are looking at applications with travel dates and these will be prioritised as soon as the system is restored.
But I guess I'm still freaking out a little because of the fact that my credit card was charged 12 days ago and I have heard nothing. Should I be freaking out or is this normal? Do they usually process the payment way before the passport is printed and shipped? I wish there was an easy way to enquire of my application status but apparently according to the website, all enquiries are handled by a 3rd party e-care and fullfillment center and it costs $2.10 per minute to call in. How long do you think I should wait before calling to find out what is going on? I'm leaving for the UK at the beginning of July but moving out of my current address a few weeks before that.
Any reassuring words would be appreciated... or perhaps anyone who knows more than I do about the way the British Consulate works and how they issue passports? I thought the consulate in DC processed all US applications so I'm a little confused why a processing problem in London would hold things up.
Thank you.