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Topic: Which Visa's  (Read 923 times)

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Which Visa's
« on: April 26, 2006, 01:35:23 AM »
Hi everyone,

I'm new here, my first post on this subject!

Question......I am English born and bred there until the age of 31 when I moved to the USA to marry. I have been living in the States with my American husband and child for 7 years. We are moving to the UK and I am confused as to which visas we will need. I assume my huband will need one, but what about my daughter and I?

Will I need some sort of visa as I have lived outside the UK for more than 2 years? How about my daughter who was born in the States. We have visited the UK every year.

Does anyone know if I will be able to claim Child Benefit for my daughter?

I am going to ring the Embassy, but before I pay $2.35 per minute, I though you might be able to offer some advise......please! : )

Thank you

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Re: Which Visa's
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2006, 01:51:22 AM »
Your husband will need a spouse visa- however since you have been married for more than 4 years he will get Indefinite Leave to Enter (permanent residence) when the visa is granted.

Your daughter should be entitled to UK citizenship- you should register her with the British Consulate if you haven't already.  Then all she will need is her UK passport and she's good to go.

You are a British citizen so you will not need any sort of a visa- it doesn't matter how long you live outside the country (the two-year thing is only for people with Indefinite Leave- they lose their residence after living away for 2 years.)

As a UK citizen you are entitled to any benefits you qualify for- no problem there.

Hope this helps! :)
Now a triple citizen!

Student visa 9/06-->Int'l Grad Scheme 1/08-->FLR(M) 7/08-->ILR 6/10-->British citizenship 12/12

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Re: Which Visa's
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2006, 03:22:48 AM »
Thank you so much!

DH got the forms to day and we will go that route!

You are a big help! : )


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